Recently I got curious about how exactly I built my intuition. Right away that question is funny because this is not an exact process or science. People are different too, in terms of what has contributed to building intuition and accuracy. Having accuracy does not mean never making mistakes or that you are ever finished. Like life, building intuition is a constant learning process.
Keeping all of that in mind, I can point to four areas that can help grow intuition. These also improve your life, so it’s a win-win. There is some overlap between these areas. Enough caveats - let’s go.
1) Self-awareness practice. This includes meditation and yoga – mindfulness is a term used today. I put exercise here too – that can include martial arts, walking, and anything that gets you out into nature. Journaling is a superpowered awareness practice especially when you get past the mind dump and into what Julia Cameron (Artist’s Way book) describes as hitting the pay dirt place. This is where more of the truth emerges after you’ve covered the minutia. I journal myself and love that evolution each day.
A quick tip: The 5-minute journal practice rocks if you’d like to get started. Name 3 things you’re grateful for, 3 things that would make today great (or made today great if you do this at day’s end), and 3 affirmations that start with “I am”. This doesn’t get you to the pay-dirt-truth place, but it’s a nice start. It helps to start small when you’re building new habits.
2) Stress management skills. I teach a system for stress management and there are a lot of different skills. Key ones include 1) Active Coping – facing your problems versus avoiding them. 2) Ways to work with thoughts and emotions. Both thoughts and emotions are harbingers of truth when you learn how to investigate the intelligence behind their initial negativity or high-stress level. 3) Reflecting on adversity and what it’s taught you. More to say here - stay tuned for the book I’ve written on stress management that’s due out in time for Spring Equinox 2024.
3) Intuition practices. Practice areas that help your intuition grow include 1) Communication work that helps you face conflict and be more open to other points of view (i.e., diversity, equity, inclusion by another name). 2) Abundance work – this is another area of self-growth where you keep honing your clarity about what you want, your life purpose and applying your courage and faith to make it happen. 3) Spiritual or philosophic approach – this contains your view of what’s meaningful in life and the uses of adversity or “growth edges” in life.
4) Support and training. These include ways to support development, learning, healing of blocks, and feedback to hone your evolution and accurate perspective. I’ve attended classes on developing intuition as well as the huge growth area of business development, not to mention training as a therapist, life coach, and intuitive. Other helpful training and ongoing support for me: Mastermind group, books, mentors, and continuing to extend myself into learning curves no matter how scary. Finally, cultivating relationships both personal and professional falls here. True connections are people you can share honestly with and get helpful feedback from when it is needed.
This isn’t everything of course but I’ve named the main areas that worked for me. Next article I’ll talk about four areas that can block you from building intuition. Until then, I’d love to hear what else has helped you build your intuition. I’m sure I’ve missed a few things. Like sure, creativity – the creative process teaches us so much. And … (your thoughts? I’ll be quiet now, chuckle).